Pascal Pinaud, artist living in Nice, revisits painting since the end of the 80s, questioning the gesture and its history, mainly that of abstract avant-gardes.
If he participates in the renewal of the genre, he also comes out of the canvas to stage constructions and three-dimensional assemblies. The use of practices as diverse as marquetry, canvas, body painting, computer-aided design and other experimental procedures is part of the exploration of new situations or popular gestures.
Artisanal crafts or industrial practices are articulated with theoretical discourses of the history of the painting.
In 1995, he created the PPP logo, aka Pascal Pinaud Painter. In flaying the mythical figure of the painter, the artist plays with the ambiguity of the status of artist and that of entrepreneur, involving for his achievements third parties or local companies whose know-how he uses.
In 2016, Pascal Pinaud generously invited us to participate in the setting of his retrospective exhibition “It’s up to you” at the Espace de l’Art Concret in Mouans Sartoux … it was a rich experience of lessons, joys and dating!
Bel Œil acquired in 2017 a work by Pascal Pinaud for his collection: Test ‘Art n ° 19 (September – October 2002 Photograph laminated on aluminum, varnish 160 x 100 x 3 cm)
link: Galerie Catherine Issert